TOP PRODUCER® software products are shipped and used world wide. Please note the following International Pricing and Shipping policies:

United States
Training products shipped to United States address are sold in US Dollars at the prices shown on this web site. Shipping and handling costs are $9.95 USD per order. State and local sale tax will be charged based on the delivery zip code.

Training products shipped to Canadian address are sold in Canadian Dollars at the prices shown on this web site. Shipping and handling costs are $9.95 Canadian per order. PST & GST taxes will be charged based on the delivery postal code.

Training products shipped to countries other than the United States and Canada are sold in US Dollars at the prices shown on this web site. Surface mail and handling costs are $9.95 USD per order. Import fees, taxes, and duties; customs fees, and any other taxes or expenses will be the responsibility of the recipient.